After One Year, I’m Back

It’s been awhile since I’ve used the WordPress blog pages- in fact, I don’t do much on the Blogger pages all that much. But anyway, I’m back and I think that it’s time that I started anew. A new feature to the blogs is video commentary, which you’ll see right now

Beautiful, isn’t it? You’ll be seeing more, so keep an eye out for them.

(C)2010 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

Welcome Back, Jack

Today marks a return to Blogger, of sorts. Oh, I’m still here with the “Hardcore Edge” and “Trash Bash” blogs. But today, “The DWA Musings” returns to Blogger, only this time, all blog entries will be simulcast with the blog of the same name over at WordPress. It’s possible thanks to a program called Zoundry Raven, which can link to all blogs.

So with that said, this could be a very exciting week for me. I could possibly get a brand, spank-that-bare-ass new camcorder (a Canon FS 200 flash memory) this week, which means I’ll be placing my pretty mug over here (and at the other blogs at WordPress and Blogger) rather soon (wait a sec…you already get my mug here. Just look to the upper right hand corner of this blog page). What I’m saying is that that mug will soon be running his mouth- which could mean you could run for the hills. Or give me a listen. You choice, man.

(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

Boy, Do I Need a Fucking Smoke

0405091929-A.jpgI’m doing my best to keep myself from the next cigarette, but right now I’m nicking, and am about to go nuts.

Eventually it’ll pass over, but right now, I’m going through major hell as I sit here, at my desk, brainstorming over story ideas…watching a bit of online porn (too bad I’m at the office right now, working late…remind me why I’m about to get a home office, where I’m my own boss…). But this bit has been going on for about thirty years, and even though I know the shit’s bad for me, I still do it for numerous reasons- stress; to get a babe (sometime this works, sometimes it doesn’t…perhaps I’d better bring the libations next time…100 to 190 proof, maybe? Hell, it’s just a thought. Don’t hold it against me…). But the fact remains that I need that next cigarette, and I need it ten years ago.

I make deadlines to call it quits, and there have been times when I succeeded and went months- even years- without a single smoke. But let something happen- shouting match with friends or fellow employees; somebody dying…perhaps a woman from my past bringing back nostalgia. It happens. It’s almost like an age old scent that suddenly resurfaces and turns some of us into zombies. Part of me enjoys this- a good smoke does make me feel good. Yet, I know that eventually I’ll have to kick the habit- and soon. I’m not getting any younger, and if I’m not careful, all of those years of lighting up will catch up to me.

But I’m not going to worry about that now. So, if you excuse me…

(C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

Just a Little Test

The software program I’ve been using for almost six months, WinJournal, had decided to act up in my laptop. so, I’m trying out a new program called raven, which is supposed to interface with the two blog services- WordPress being one of them. I’m giving this a try, and perhaps this will work out for me. Just in case, the program’s on my flash drive (the internal hard drive has enough stuff in it as it is…). So, I’m adding the whole goddamned kit and kaboodle, starting with this picture of my friend C.J. and myself.P1020344.JPG Hope this works…

Do You Ladies Really Need To Shave?

0405091929-AEverywhere I go, I see women with silky smooth, especially around their legs, armpit, and bikini areas. Now, all of that is fine and dandy- who wouldn’t love their women with baby soft skin?
Well, I myself couldn’t care less whether or not the woman I’m seeing had hair out of her armpits or bikini area. In fact, I say, the more hair around the pussy and armpit area, the better. Hell, if the hair creeps up to her navel, or even her ass is hairy, my heart goes into palpitations over the arousal. It could be coarse, or it could be silky as her skin. As long as it isn’t a wildlife conservation area with pets- you know which kind I’m talking about- and every kind of STI-related sore, I’d be more than happy to get lost in the vaginal forest.

I don’t buy into the idea of women having to be a certain shape or dress size. And as for the makeup, some women look a lot better WITHOUT it. I prefer to wake up next to my woman, cosmetic imperfections and all. Sure, I may fantasize about the Playboy Playmate types from time to time, but come on. If she’s a bit bigger than society’s idea of how a woman should look, so fucking what. To me, she’s all the reason more for me to love her.

Copyright (C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander.
All Rights Reserved.

I’ve Graduated HIP

Darren W. Alexander, 2009 Humanity in Perspective graduate. HIP is a program of Reed College and the Oregon Council of the Humanities that runs an entire academic year. (photo: Gary Davis)

Darren W. Alexander, 2009 Humanity in Perspective graduate. HIP is a program of Reed College and the Oregon Council of the Humanities that runs an entire academic year. (photo: Gary Davis)

Sunday, I graduated from the Humanity in Perspective program. It’s been an interesting road, and I’ve come away with new insights.

This is not an easy course to get through. Out of 25 who were in the class when it began on September 15, 2008, only 13 made it through the seven-month course. And of that remaining 13, only two had perfect attendance (yours truly is one of those people- though I was tempted to sit out for one or two of them due to the just concluded NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Tournament).

I’ll talk more about my time at HIP later.

Copyright (C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

Young Mother Hubbard and Her 23 Husbands

The mother of the octuplets, Nadya Suleman, is not getting much love right now from the peeps.

In a USA Today poll, seven out of ten people say that the 33 year old mother- of fourteen!- has no business bringing in eight more babies, especially when the economy’s in the shitter. Ms. suleman’s on disability, receives food stamps, and the quack…er, doctor, who performed the in-vitro fertilization is under investigation (why waste the time looking at this guy, that’s beyond me…).

As far as I’m concerned, if popping out babies makes Ms. Suleman happy, then I say, “carry on, sister.” But Suleman says that she’s going to stop. I wonder how long that promise will last…

“Sorry, Ms. Taylor, But She’s Definitely Got You Beat…”English actress Elizabeth Taylor has been married eight times- twice to frellow actor Richard Burton. Right now, Liddy’s enjoying the single life- no doubt, from all of that alimony from her ex-husbands (and Mr. Burton’s estate, of course…it’s so good to be Liz, who turns 77 in a couple of weeks).

But Liz has to move out of rthe way. somebody’s got her beat- sure, the fictional Erica Kane character that Susan Lucci’s been playing from day one on ABC’s All My Children could count. Ms. Kane has- thus far- twelve men in her stable of guys she’s married and dumped. But, we can’t count fictional characters here.

The woman that has both the real life Taylor and fictional Kane beat is a 68-year-old Anderson, Indiana woman. Linda Lou Wolfe has- get this!- married 23 times. TWENTY-THREE! Her first marriage, in 1957 to a guy named George Scott (no relation to the actor George C. Scott) lasted the longest- seven years. she was 16, he was 31. The shortest: to Fred Chadwick, which lasted only 36 hours. She’s been married to homeless guys, convicts, even two gay men.

TWENTY THREE HUSBANDS! And she says that she wants to marry again if the chance comes to her- she does have the opportunity. Her last husband, Glynn ‘Scotty’ Wolfe, died in 1997, less than a year of marriage to the now widowed Linda Wolfe- and he was the most married man- 29 wives!

Read this story at .

I wonder if Nadya Suleman could do that- let alone Liz Taylor. I know that I sure as hell couldn’t do this, probably not even once (wait, I did do it once…it’s not for me. At least, for the time being…). twenty-three spouises, and I have 14 children by at least 10 of them…naah!

© 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

Couldn’t We Wait A Bit Longer Before Getting Engaged?

My best friend, Quincy* had recently met this woman, Jill* at one of the area’s bookstores- this after advertising himself on that ad site that criminals love to use these days, Craigslist. So far, it looks good, but there’s one vexing matter that won’t go away anytime soon.

Quincy and Jill became engaged. Now, there’s nothing unusual about that. a lot of people become engaged before tying the knot. No, what’s so vexing about this is that they decided to become engaged three days into the relationship.

Three days! Isn’t three days a bit soon to even consider throwing in the towel of living the single life? I understand, three months after meeting maybe. But three days, and all in a sudden, your days of bachelorhood are numbered? Come on, Quin and Jill. A lot can happen between now and the day you two walk down the aisle. That is, if they even make it that far:

  • This may be lust love now, but it’s still a thin line between love and hate: Quincy and Jill are dewey-eyed, kissy-kissy, smoochy-moochy now. Which means they’re someplace beyond the Milky Way. Needless to say, sooner or later, they’ve got to come back down to the third rock from that boiler we call THE SUN! And when that happens, the two will find out things about each other that neither will like. Hopefully, they’re prepared for the scrutiny and interrogations to come. Otherwise, this engagement will seem like it lasted only, well, three days.
  • They hardly know each other. A mountain climber wouldn’t go on Mount Everest (or, if you’re here in Oregon, Mounts Hood; Jefferson; any of the Three Sisters; etc.) without knowing the dangers- let alone without proper gear. Many people go into relationships blindly- I know I have. Numerous times– thinking that they’ve found the one and only true love, only to be devastated by a few confessions or later found secrets from and/or about the other. Think the couple -any couple in general- will stay in love after finding out dark secrets? Who knows? Now Quin and Jill are nice folks and I think Jill’s very nice, but I don’t fully know her. (And so that you know, I’m not revealing her occupation…), but perhaps Quin may be setting himself up for a heartbreak- and I told him this. However, he chooses to accept this mission, so I’ll stay out of the way.

Now, in case anyone thinks that I’m the green-eyed monster here, get the image out of your head. This instant! It’s not my place to tell Quin not to see Jill.  If Jill makes him happy, then why should I care for anything other than his being happy?

That doesn’t change the fact that he needs to stop worrying about the women I choose to see. But that’s a different entry for a diifferent day.

*The names have been changed to protect the identities of the parties.

Copyright 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

Cold Front

It seems like a perfect storm has brewed around here over the past couple of weeks.

No, not the blowing snow outside- it’s not even sticking. The ground’s way too warm anyway. Instead, it’s the bug that seems to have struck everybody in these parts.

I felt it for at least a couple of days, coughing up phlegm, and at times, I thought my head was going to explode. But I’m much better now thanks to good eating- and admittedly, putting down the smokes (I even threw away that book of matches on Sunday).

But it seems like this cold and flu season’s gotten a lot nastier than in past years, with more of my peers taking it on the chin (and throat). The evil influenza bug gone awry, and the whole city’s paralyzed.

Now if the weather would only get better.

Copyright 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

Sam Adams’ Sex-Capades

In tomorrow’s issue of Willamette Week, Portland mayor Sam Adams admits to reporter Nigel Jaquiss of a relationship he had with a then-18 year old intern .Today, in a press conference, Adams apologized for his actions, saying that the relationship was inappropriate and that he used poor judgment. The man Adams had sex with, Beau Breedlove, was 18 at the time of the relationship, and this happened while he was Portland city commissioner, and took place before he ran for mayor. The fact that he had sex with a young man of 18 isn’t grounds for his being recalled, and I don’t expect such actions will happen. Adams himself said that he won’t resign.

This is a non-issue as far as I’m concerned. Poor judgment? Maybe. Inappropriate, no.

While I think Adams should have beem more forthcoming about the two-month relationship he and Breedlove had in 2005, I don’t think this is an issue in any shape or form. Breedlove was 18 at the time, and the last time I checked, when you turn that age, you’re legally an adult. Nothing else can be said about it. Now, had Breedlove been, say 17 or younger, then it would have been an issue of character, and possible criminal charges and cause for impeachment. But nothing was done wrong in this instance. In fact, I don’t think Sam and/or Beau should have even brought this up.

Having said this, I’ll continue to stand by Sam Adams while he continues his duties as mayor of Portland. However, like the constituents of Portland, I’ll keep an eye on him- even though I’ve voted for him.

Copyright © 2009, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.